Pipes and Drums

I saw a Tweet mentioning bagpipes and it took me back in time, over 20 years ago to a performance by a pipe and drum corps.

I can’t be certain, but my memory wants to say it was the Black Watch from Scotland. It was a performance at the Seattle Center. My then boyfriend took me. I don’t remember why or how he’d gotten tickets. But he knew I’d like it so he took me.

It was incredible.

One lone bagpipe can be good, can be moving. But a whole corps, with multiple pipes and multiple drums, with everyone in kilts and full regalia…. Absolutely breathtaking. There were rousing military marches; mournful songs of grief and pain; lilting tunes of happiness. A pipe solo of “Amazing Grace”. And of course “Scotland the Brave”.

I wish I could remember more.

One thing I do remember is that the Washington State Secretary of State Ralph Munro was in attendance. As the highest ranking official guest, they asked his permission to begin and to end. He joked a bit about letting them leave, knowing the audience was enjoying the show.

About Robin Michelle

I write, I take photos, I read... I like to do things that make me happy.

Posted on 25 September 2013, in Memories and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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